SJL Web Design

Website Optimisation

"Building a website without search engine optimisation is like making a TV advert and not buying any airtime."

Web Optimisation Experts

With an ever-increasing multitude of websites now online, the internet is a very competitive place. It can be easy for even the best designed site to disappear amongst the jostling activity of other websites who are vying to catch the world’s attention. Search engine optimisation (SEO) helps your website’s voice to shout a little louder.

Millions of people use search engines every day but few will trawl the many pages of returned listings, instead simply clicking on websites ranked in the top page or pages of results. With SJL Web Design’s advanced SEO techniques, your website can be optimised to boost its position in the returned rankings, guaranteeing an increase in traffic through your site. And more hits means more customers.

At SJL Web Design we love this quote:

"Building a website without search engine optimisation is like making a TV advert and not buying any airtime."

But it is sadly true that many businesses fail to have their websites optimised, losing out on uncountable numbers of potential users because of their short-sightedness. Request Quote

How Web Optimisation Works?

There are a number of successful search engine optimisation techniques which can achieve great results and which we use here at SJL Web Design. For best results, a combination of methods, including both on-page and off-page optimisation is required.

So that is exactly the strategy our expert SEO professionals implement for an effective web optimisation campaign for our clients’ websites. We have been employing these methods for years, we use them on our own site and we know they work well.

What makes our Optimisation different?

There are literally thousands of web optimisation and SEO companies out there who claim they can guarantee you a first page place on Google for any phrases, so what makes our service any different?

Firstly, there are no contracts with our web optimisation, so if you feel it isn't working you are free to cancel at anytime

Secondly, we have a proven track record, including our own website. Try searching Google for Web Design and you will see us on page one out of 330 million!

And finally, we never spam our client's websites with meaningless junk; instead we use purely white hat methods approved by Google webmaster guidelines.

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Choosing a Web Optimisation Company?

Take a look at some of our top tricks and tips for choosing a web optimisation company:

  • "Google Associates"

    No matter whatever anyone claims, they are not associates or partners of Google.

  • Look at their client's websites

    If their clients’ sites look a mess and the text is repetitive and jumbled then that is how they will optimise your website. Purely by repeating the same keywords and phrases again and again...and again!

  • Results, Results, Results!

    A web design company should be able to get their own site high in the Google listings. If they can't do it for themselves, do you think that they will be able to do it for you?

  • "Google Associates"

    No matter whatever anyone claims, they are not associates or partners of Google.

  • Look at their client's websites

    If their clients’ sites look a mess and the text is repetitive and jumbled then that is how they will optimise your website. Purely by repeating the same keywords and phrases again and again...and again!

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What you need to know about on-page & off-page Web Optimisation

On Page Web Optimisation (SEO)

There are a number of ways that your website content and coding itself can be optimised to meet the preferred searching methodologies of the major search engines, producing top results for our clients. These methods include:

  1. Correct Keyword Research
  2. Title and Meta Tag Optimisation
  3. Image ATL and Title Tag Optimisation
  4. Latest Table-less & Semantic Coding

Off Page Web Optimisation (SEO)

If your website faces tough online rivalry with your potential customers searching for a very common word or phrase, then your website will need a targeted off page web optimisation strategy to have any chance of being highly ranked by search engines. This Includes:

  1. Successful Link Building Campaigns
  2. Article Submissions
  3. High Quality Directory Listings
  4. Forum and Blog Posting